Commercial Law
Buying into or selling a franchise or business? Transferring business assets? Creating a company or trust? Entering into a commercial or retail lease? Do you need advice regarding the financial implications of a commercial conveyance?
So many times, people will try to save on costs by not having a lawyer but at Smithfield Law we have a saying “If you don’t get a lawyer, you’re going to need one.” There are too many parties involved in a commercial transaction to go it alone. Buyers, sellers, landlords, financiers, franchisees and sundry government departments all have a part to play.
Smithfield Law has got you covered. We are experienced in all areas of commercial law. From leasing to franchises, we are able to assist and act for you in any commercial or business transactions. We give advice in plain language on every step of each transaction because we believe that you should know your own business.
We can also assist you in workplace and employment law, whether it is a contractual matter, termination of employment, work cover, restraint of trade or Competition and Consumer Act related.
Commercial Law Areas of Expertise
- Commercial Leases
- Franchises
- Business Sales